Medical Massage
I am often asked "what is medical massage?"
Wikipedia says that medical massage is outcome based massage. Primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem (s) the patient presents with a diagnosis and are administered after carful assessment /evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis of the treatment. I imagine that's a self-explanatory definition but I feel as though it's much more. Of course you have to at the clinical skills to be able to assess and create a plan, course of action to achieve a goal, but you also have to have compassion and the ability to be able to comfort an individual and also to be able to inspire the individual through the treatment. When dealing with an injury or problem that has been ongoing there can be certain amount of pain that goes along with it. If you choose me as your massage therapist there's one thing you can know for sure, I will always tell you the truth, whether you like it or not. It's just who I am, I can't be anybody else.
These are the modalities that I use. I will explain little bit about each. One of the modalities that I use is Myofascial release, what is the myofascial release? Myofascial release for MFR is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain. This alternative medicine therapy aims to relax contracted muscles, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulate the stretch reflex and muscles. Facia is the connective tissue that covers the body between the skin and the muscle, and also around the organs of the body. Its purpose is to help support the structure of the body and to aid the muscles in controlling the posture, it also surrounds the nervous system, venous system and lymphatic system, Francis so cut anytime between 10 in five and five what is the purpose of the superficial fashion system proper alignment is the central in developing and maintaining control of posture movement. Myofacial system serves as the tension generator and connects rigid levers which are the bones one function optimally the myofascial system works to virtually suspend the body in the upright position while maintaining tension and integrity within the system more specifically it enables the maintenance of correct posture and smooth coordinated movement maintaining an erect posture and smooth coordinated movement under relative minimal energy expenditure and without compensation is the hallmark of an efficient strategy. This is called tensegrity, when it is compromised secondary to injury, inflammation, development of muscle imbalances, etc., the nervous system compensates by significantly increasing muscle activity to help maintain posture and movement control. These compensations lead to inefficient strategies and are a direct cause of postural alterations and movement dysfunction. Additionally, it is worth noting that a complex facial network maintains suspension and thereby optimal function of this area, and the organs, contained within the thoracic, abdominal in pelvic cavities. Facial restrictions adhesions and/or scar tissue of the visceral system are common after surgery trauma and/or inflammation, have been shown to directly contribute to common postural and movement dysfunction.
While specific myofascial release techniques have been shown to be effective in releasing these restrictions developing proper alignment, by incorporating three-dimensional breathing techniques you can also promote improvements in visceral mobility while restoring optimal postural and movement patterns. There are two types of facia, superficial and deep. The deep myofascial system is comprised of deeper muscles that live close to the bone and joint surfaces the deep facial layers and attach itself not only to the muscles themselves and blend intimately with the ligamentous System including joint capsules. This enables the deep myofascial system to have the ability to exert specific control over the joint position and motion. It includes the transvers abdominals, the multifidus, pelvic floor, and in diaphragm function. Its function is to create a solid anchor point required to support a movement at a distal point within the kinetic chain. In English, it stabilizes one part of the body so another part of the body can move. The superficial fascia is upper most layer of skin in nearly all the regions of the body that blends with The skin layer that consist mainly of loose fatty connective tissue underlying the skin. It is that, that primarily determines the shape of the body in addition to its subcutaneous presence superficial Fascia surrounds organs and glands, neurovascular bundles, it also servers as a storage medium for fat and water and is a passageway for lymph, nerve, and blood vessels, and as a protective padding or cushion to insulate. The use of myofascial release can address pain management problems that have not responded to surgery therapy or medication bringing about a lasting change.
I also do neuromuscular therapy or NMT. What is the neuromuscular therapy? Neuromuscular therapy is a specialized form of deep tissue massage in which digital pressure and friction are used to release areas of strain in the muscle. These areas of strain are called tender or trigger points and are the cause of muscular pain symptoms. What are trigger points? Trigger points are areas of sensitivity in the muscle these are small areas of the muscle in which there is a contracture of muscular tissue trigger points cause pain, fatigue and weakness in the muscles. Trigger points also caused a phenomenon called referral pain. Referral pain is caused by trigger points and is a phenomenon in which areas far from the trigger point suffer from sensations of pain, tingling, and numbness. What is Neuromuscular therapy use to treat? Neromuscular therapy is used to treat many different soft tissue problems. The following is a small list of the examples or issues that maybe treated and helped buy neuromuscular therapy. Lower back pain, upper back pain, carpel tunnel like syndromes, sciatic syndromes, Hip pain, headaches, plantar fasciitis, calf cramps, tendinitis, knee pain, iliotibial band friction syndrome, jaw pain, Or TMJ disorders. I also I am trained in lymphatic drainage work. L.D.T. Is for swelling (edema). Cancer, and the treatment of cancer. It helps alleviate the nausea and the fatigue that comes from chemotherapy and radiation, it also helps transfer fluids through out the tissue enabling the skin to heal much quicker after surgery and radiation. With cosmetic surgery or any other type of surgery, LDT is prescribed as a standard treatment all over the world! It gets rid of bruising, if done the day of surgery it will alleviate the most bruising if not all and expedite the healing process of any incisions or any other trauma associated with the surgery.
I also been trained in MPS Micro point stimulation which is a variation of acupuncture, without needles, it is a valuable tool that can be used for everything from balancing of the body to specifically treating an ailment, or condition. It is also in my 34 years in the business hands-down the best treatment for scars! What used to take me a month to do with my hands, I can due in one treatment with MPS. This tool is the most efficient and versatile addition to my arsenal. I think it's the greatest thing that has hit the healthcare market ever! Its uses are too many to list. It is the application of acupuncture-based therapies without the use of needles. It can be used for everything from general health maintenance to treatment of specific ailments. (Disclosure!!!! I am not a doctor of acupuncture nor do I claim to be!!!) MPS is similar but it is not acupuncture in the traditional sense. I am also Mat practitioner. (A Technique designed by Eric Dalton ) Muscular skeletal alignment technique helps align the body in the proper placement buy aligning ligaments tendons muscles and fascia. It is an especially valuable tool when dealing with injuries of any kind especially high impact car accidents, or Physical trauma. It is equally as good for repetitive motion injuries such as sitting in front of a computer all day? This work is performed buy a variation of techniques, body movement and positional release. This work is usually done either clothed (work out shorts/ Sports bra /shorts for men) or unclothed, properly draped. |