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Why is lymph drainage important?

Lymph drainage therapy was initially developed in Europe. A 1930's hospital study of 20,000 patients...click here to continue

What conditions respond to lymphatic drainage therapy?

~Ear, Nose and Throat
~Cosmetic Procedures

How can I schedule an appointment?

Hours are by appointment only. In home visits are available for an additional fee. For more information...click here .

Lisa’s Story 

Lisa was 40 years old when she found a lump in her right breast. Upon biopsy she was told that she had cancer in 3 lymph nodes under her arm. Lisa’s family unfortunately had a high instance of breast cancer and other cancers on both sides so in Lisa’s opinion the only option for her was to remove both breasts. Lisa lost her mother and 2 aunts at a young age to breast cancer and the thought horrified her.

Lisa came to me as a friend of a friend, but our year long journey together affected me so profoundly that I must share our story.

I didn’t know her well but her courageous attitude along with her sarcastic wit drew me into an easy friendship and so the journey began……

The following are some of the photos that I took for documentation.

We go from beginning to end a 12 month transformation from a 32A to a 36 full C cup and a little scar work along the way.

Along with the double mastectomy and reconstruction Lisa also had 2 C-Sections 15 and 13 years ago and a recent hysterectomy through the same incision in her abdomen. The following pictures document the changes that occurred along the way.

Lisa in an unselfish act of kindness allowed me to research and document this event in order to share information and give hope to all women who may be affected with this scourge known as cancer. To show that it’s not an automatic death sentence and even though the road ahead will be difficult and your worst fears will be faced your strength and courage and the love of God will get you through. So 20 years from now you stand up and say, “I’m a Survivor!!!!!”

And most important of all look good doing it!

First appointment after biopsy, notice the green dye used to highlight lymphatic flow and to check lymph nodes during biopsy just lateral of the right areola and nipple you can see the remainder of dye accumulated in the axilla armpit.


Same shot closer

Same shot both breasts before lymphatic treatment.

Right breast and axilla after one lymphatic treatment.90% of remaining dye has been evacuated from body via the Lymphatic system. Patient stated that 100% of visible dye was gone within 24 hours. Dye was injected 4 days prior.

Both breasts after treatment. Notice no dye in axilla armpit just a trace remaining next to the areola.

Patient also had a hysterectomy and 2 c-section births through same incision. Notice the depth of incision caused by accumulation of scar tissue over time.

After one treatment notice the difference in the depth and overall appearance of scar

Frontal shot of patient after double mastectomy and since patient decided to get a reconstruction and enlargement, expands when also added to stretch the skin to allow for a larger implant. Notice redness and tightness of incision pre treatment.

Post treatment, notice overall appearance- less irritation and tightness.

3rd visit patient received the 1st of several weeks of what Lisa and I jokingly referred to as fill up’s. Where the doctor introduces 150 cc of saline solution into the expanders to stretch the skin, gradually stretching to allow for a 650cc implant. Pre treatment

Notice the rounding of the shoulders caused by the fluid in the expanders, as you increase the volume and the skin stretches it has to give somewhere, thus making it feel as if there is a steel band around your chest. N.M.T. Techniques along with a L.D.T. will greatly relieve this problem.

Shows post treatment. Notice the relaxed position of the shoulders and decreased pressure on the stitches, also how good the scars are starting to look.

This is Lisa at max volume 750cc’s 100cc bigger than implant to allow for a more natural shape to the breast once implants are introduced. Watch the scars.

This shows scars at 4 months.

Remember that 2 c-section and hysterectomy scar that was so deep? Virtually gone...

Here we go again, this time they took some skin from the abdomen to make the areola and nipples, free Tummy tuck, but I have to fix the scar again!

This shows the new nipple and areola with the implants 650cc Lymph work is important to keep the new tissue healthy and alive by filtering out waste products and introvating the area with a steady supply of blood.

2nd week things look good.

Week two for this too.

8 months: Look at left side scar gone from sternum to nipple not bad for 2nd time around.

8 months coming right along.

12 months, tattooing of the nipple and areola complete. What scars???

12 months 4 surgery’s 1 good looking scar

2022 Eric Freukes     |     314.651.8151     |     efreukes@gmail.com